Jan 24, 2022
Neil is a naturpathic practioner and joined Angie weeks ago in episode #131. He discussed the research project he was working on with his clients. He's had such good response with his protocols that he joins Angie again today to give an update!
Jan 18, 2022
Angie shares why she doesn't feel like any of us need a "New YOU." The New Year--yes but a new YOU, NO! Angie gives us the background to what brought her to this opinion. In less than 30 minutes she gives us good food for thought as we make it a great, New Year!
Email: Support@AngiesOptionGRM.org to submit questions or...
Jan 10, 2022
Olivia Dawn is the oldest of 10 children. She joins Angie today in this personal development episode to share her story on how she decided to "be the change" she wanted to "see in the world." She's quite a remarkable young woman who's grown in so many ways as she's develved into what's most important to her. She knows...